Japan’s Medical Tourism: A New Era of Growth

Japan’s medical tourism industry is experiencing a resurgence as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, showcasing new developments and opportunities.

Comparison of Tourist Numbers Before and After COVID-19
Prior to the pandemic in 2019, Japan’s inbound tourism was growing rapidly. However, the number of foreign visitors plummeted between 2020 and 2021 due to the impact of the pandemic. Since 2022, with the relaxation of border measures, the recovery has been gradual. As of August 2023, the number of foreign visitors to Japan has recovered to 85.6% compared to the same month in 2019. 1)

Current State of Medical Tourism and 2024 Outlook
Focusing specifically on medical tourism, the number of medical stay visas issued increased from 1,653 in pre-COVID 2019 to 2,295 in 2023. 2) This indicates that the demand for Japan’s high-quality medical services remains strong.
For 2024, further growth is anticipated. According to a report by JTB, the number of medical inbound reservations in 2023 more than doubled compared to the previous year, and this trend is expected to continue in 2024. 3)

The Appeal of Japan’s Medical Tourism
Japan’s medical tourism is attracting attention for several reasons: 3)

  1. Advanced Medical Technology: Japan leads the world in minimally invasive medical technologies such as endoscopic treatments, catheter surgeries, and robotic surgeries.
  2. Comprehensive Preventive Care: Health check-ups are relatively affordable, and Japan boasts high early cancer detection rates.
  3. Highly Skilled Medical Staff: Japanese doctors and nurses are globally recognized for their high level of expertise.
  4. Hospitality: Foreign patients highly appreciate the attentive care and cleanliness of facilities.
  5. Safety: Japan has a safe medical care system based on informed consent.

These factors have led to an increase in medical visits to Japan, especially from Asian countries like China. Many come for health check-ups and screenings, while cases of visitors seeking advanced treatments are also on the rise.

Future Prospects
The Japanese medical tourism market is expected to see further growth beyond 2024. The government and private companies are preparing to accommodate more foreign patients by improving reception systems and enhancing multilingual support.

1) EY, “One Year on from the Relaxation of Travel Restrictions—Thinking About Re-generative Tourism Beyond Sustainability”, https://www.ey.com/en_jp/insights/consulting/thinking-about-regenerative-tourism-beyond-sustainability、1st November,2024
2) e-Stat, “Visa(Sasho) Hakkyu Tokei”, https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files?page=1&toukei=00300500&result_page=1、 1st November,2024
3) Nippon.com, “Ninki Ha Kenshin, Kenshin, Koudona Iryou- Senkusya JTB ga Tsutaeru Nihon no Iryou Tourism no Shinka” https://www.nippon.com/ja/japan-topics/c13201/、1st November,2024


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